Updates from Inside the Igloo
Posted in Manna on February 13th, 2015 by Annabelle – 12 CommentsGreetings from Boston!
As anyone who’s been watching the news in the US probably knows, we’ve been having some weather around here. Specifically, snow. Upward of six feet of snow, with more on the way. We’ve broken the 20 day snow record, we’ve broken the 30 and 40 day snow records, all that we have left is the snowiest winter record, and hey, there’s still a month of winter to go.
None of this snow has melted. It lines every street, every sidewalk, in banks higher than my head. I cannot express to you how unrelievedly snowy it is here right now. It’s been challenging to get groceries in for the last three weeks, with the result that when I heard that this month’s Let’s Lunch theme was noodles, my mind took it somewhere other than comfort food. I don’t even want to contemplate how much starch out of the cabinets I’ve eaten lately!
Instead, I offer you salad, as antidote to winter. Okay, I know I am not actually going to get scurvy (I know this because of the lifesaving citrus-y sidecar I had at the cocktail hour last night), but the psychological pressure of all this snow is starting to make having something fresh and green seem like an emergency. Also, I have a new peeler. It came in a set which I bought because they were pretty colors (this is how all my kitchen equipment happens), and it peels vegetables into lovely julienne. Who doesn’t want to play with that? If you’re in the northeast, try this bright, lemony salad during Sunday’s snowstorm and remind yourself: summer will come again. Eventually.