Let’s Lunch: Kummerspeck
Posted in Manna on January 17th, 2014 by Annabelle – 7 CommentsOh, Germany. I do so love the way you make new words by jamming existing ones together. How else would we end up with a word like kummerspeck? In case you hadn’t heard it before, kummerspeck translates to “grief bacon,” meaning the weight you gain from emotional overeating. How do we not have this word in English?
Grief bacon is the theme for this month’s Let’s Lunch. Being as the holidays are just over, I could take this as an opportunity to post a healthy recipe to address the results of the seasonally traditional overeating, emotional and otherwise, but what fun would that be? Bacon, frankly, makes pretty great cause for grief bacon, but if I am feeling really down, I prefer to be beaten soundly about the head and shoulders with the Stick of Chocolate. (And Scharffen Berger makes some really great chocolate chunks for just that purpose. They are SO my favorite.)
After the jump, the brownies I want when I am In A Mood, preferably a trifle undercooked, and always chocolated to the teeth.